With Sweep Deals you can shop, save, and earn💰
Save on your favourite brands when you shop in the SweepBank app. Activate your Sweep Deals account for free and start earning cashback when you join SweepBank.
Earn points on top brands
With every Sweep Deals purchase, not only will you save big on Europe's top brands, but you will also receive 5% SweepBank Loyalty Points. Every 100 SweepBank Loyalty points you earn are equal to €1.

Get cashback
Convert your earned SweepBank Loyalty points to cash directly in the SweepBank app. Swap loyalty points for cash whenever you want, or put it on autopilot to get a cash deposit every month.

Maximize your stack
Stack your SweepBank Loyalty points to maximize your discounts. Make a purchase using Sweep Deals, convert your Loyalty points to cash, continue shopping with Sweep Deals + Cashback to maximize your stack.