How do I earn Loyalty points?
You can earn SweepBank Loyalty points by shopping with our Sweep Deals partners.
On top of the exciting savings and discounts we offer on Sweep Deals, you will also stack Loyalty points when you purchase with selected partners. It’s a win-win with SweepBank Loyalty points.
In the future, you will be able to earn even more Loyalty points using your day-to-day banking and other SweepBank products. Stay tuned!

How do I stack Loyalty points?
It's easy to stack your SweepBank Loyalty points and maximize discounts:
- Make a Sweep Deals purchase and earn your Loyalty points
- Convert your Loyalty points to cash in your Current Account
- Complete an additional Sweep Deals purchase using your Loyalty points cash
- Earn more Loyalty points

Can I convert my Loyalty points to cash?
Absolutely! This is the most popular way of redeeming Loyalty points. You can manually convert your Loyalty points to cash at any time in the app.
Want to put it on autopilot? Simply swipe the Redeem Monthly tab in the app and receive cash at the beginning of every month.

Are there limits to Loyalty points or do they expire?
With the SweepBank Loyalty Program, the sky is the limit! Your SweepBank Loyalty points will never expire, and there is no maximum or capped amount of points you can earn.
SweepBank Loyalty points that are not redeemed will be automatically converted to cash and deposited into your SweepBank Current Account at the end of every calendar year. Now that's Loyalty on autopilot.

Currently you can convert your Loyalty points to cash, which will be deposited directly into your SweepBank Current Account.
Tip: By using these funds on additional Sweep Deals purchases, you can stack Loyalty points and convert to cash.